1. Logging In
FDM Hi-Print is an online application which allows the user to generate and order printed stationery and various marketing collateral simply and quickly.
The system has an easy-to-use interface accommodating multiple users, offering personalisation functions with proofing, a clear pricing structure and user defined permission controls. Live stock levels are available at a glance and order reports can be generated directly through Hi-Print to allow users better flexibility and control over procurement.
Hi-Print can be accessed by clicking on the button below or going to http://www.fdmplc.com/hi-print/
Your Username and Password are supplied by FDM when your account is set up and you are advised to login and change your password once the account is live. Any new users can also be added by your system administrator. The individual users will also have the option to change their password at a later stage. Please make note of your password as FDM do not keep record of this for security reasons.
When you have your username and password type them into the respective fields and then click LOGIN to enter the system. Please note that the log in process is case sensitive.
2. Overview
Every page in the system will have the top navigation bar which consists of:
- Home – Always returns you to the Home Page (see section 3)
- My Orders – Where you can view all the orders you have personally placed
- Tools – This allows you to change your password and personal details. (If you are responsible for authorising orders then this can be done here also)
- Reports – Depending on your permissions this will allow you to view all or just orders placed by you.
- Logout – To leave the system and return to the login page
- Basket – This shows you how many items you currently have in your basket, you can click on the basket to be taken to the checkout page.
Remember: If you ever get confused as to what you are doing, you can just click on the ‘Home’ link and you will be returned to the home page.
Products: There are two main types of products – ‘static products’ such as letterheads and compliment slips and ‘personalised products’ such as business cards and visiting cards. Static products are pre-printed ready for call-off and can be ordered at any time. Personalised products need to be generated through Hi-Print and saved as a template. Any brand rules will be enforced by the system, however please be aware that you are responsible for the information you enter (i.e. the spelling & images etc.) as this will be exactly what is printed when you order it.
3. The Home Page
From this page you will be able to navigate through the categories to view and order the products within them.
The search box allows you to call up products relevant to your search term. i.e. ‘Letterhead’ would bring up all letterheads available. You can also search for a specific product by its unique stock code e.g. HG2_LL_LH. The grey box just below the search function contains quick links to your favorite, recently saved and most frequently ordered products.
4. Ordering A Static Product
To place an order for a Static Product simply locate the item and click on the icon to preview.
Check the product description and select your required quantity from the drop down box. The price will be reflected below accordingly. A live stock count is visible (in green). Should this be less than your required amount please contact your procurement team or FDM. When you are ready to place the order simply click ‘Add to Basket’ to proceed.
The Basket page will display the total cost and allows you to Save and Continue Shopping, Proceed To Checkout or to Remove An Item from the basket (X).
5. Ordering A Personalised Product
To place an order for a Personalised Product simply locate the item and click on the icon to preview. Once you are sure that you have selected the correct product click ‘Continue’ to proceed. This will bring you to an intermediate page showing previous orders of this product.
You have the option to re-order a job, edit a previous version or click NEW to generate a new design template.
The system gives you a NEW blank template which you can complete by adding your own details using the fields on the right side of the page. Red fields are mandatory and must be completed before you can save and order your document. When you have finished filling in the document click ‘Update’ to preview your document, or you can view a print quality PDF by clicking on the ‘PDF’ icon. The PDF proof can also be downloaded for forwarding. When you are happy with the proof, click ‘Save’ and give your document a title. (It’s best to use a specific document name so that you can easily find it from a list of documents in future.)
If you wish to create multiple documents at the same time, you can edit the document you are working on and click ‘Save As’ to save an additional version of the document with a different name. Click ‘Close’, when you are finished to return to the New/Find screen. Your saved product should now appear in the list.
6. Editing A Previously Created Document
To make an amend to a document already saved on the system, navigate to the New/Find screen and click the action ‘Edit’ on the same line as the document title. This will take you to the document template page which will display a proof of the document and allow you to amend the information on it. For an overview of the functionality refer to point 4.0.
Alternatively you can navigate to the recently saved documents from the Home Page.
7. Ordering Your Documents
To order a single document, from the New/Find screen (Figure 6) click on the action ‘Order’ on the same line as the document title.
To order multiple documents check the boxes to the left of your document lines, then click on the ‘Order’ button above the documents.
When you have selected one or more items for order you will be taken to the order screen where you will view a final proof of the document and select an order quantity.
When you have checked over the proof and specified the quantity required, click on ‘Add to Basket’.
Please Note: Your document will be printed exactly as it appears on screen.
8. Basket & Checkout Of Order
When all products selected have been added to your basket on the order page, you will then arrive at the basket page. This page lists all products in your basket, including quantity and cost. It also gives you the opportunity to remove one or more items from your basket if required.
To add more products to your basket click ‘Continue Shopping’, otherwise to complete your order ‘Proceed to Checkout’
From the Checkout page, enter your Purchase Order Number, change the Delivery Name if incorrect, add a contact number if required and select a delivery address from the drop down. If the delivery address is missing from the list of addresses, you can enter a new address by clicking on ‘New Address’. You may also add additional comments to the order. When all elements are complete click ‘Checkout’, your order is then completed and you will see an order summary and receive an email confirming what you have ordered.
If you do not receive a confirmation within 1 hour, please contact FDM.
Any ‘New Address’ will be saved under the user who created it only. To make the address available for all users please contact FDM.
Please note: Purchase Order Number and Delivery Name are both mandatory fields. The invoice address is set by default.
9. Administrator Authorisation
A member or members of your organisation can be set as the order authoriser. When an order is placed on Hi-Print that requires authorisation an email is automatically generated to request the administrator to login. To authorise a job simply login to Hi-Print via the email link, you will then be given the option to either approve of reject an order. If an order is rejected an email will be automatically generated to inform the relevant user. You must provide a reason when rejecting items. This explanation will then be sent back to the person who created the order.
Under Reports you will find Authorisation Reports which will allow you to view all previous orders.
The authorisation criterion is not mandatory. FDM can configure this to suit your organisation. I.e. this can be limited to a selection of products, particular users or by maximum order values.
10. Order Reports
Only the administrator will have the permission to view all orders for all users. Each individual will only be able to view orders they have placed personally.
To view a list of orders please click Reports on the navigation bar and then Order Report.
You can view a list of all orders placed with the option to narrow search by date range, by keyword or by category using the drop down menu.
The + sign at the beginning of each line allows you to expand for further details.
If preferred there is the option to download the report in Excel format.
11. Product Reports
The Product Report will display all active products on Hi-Print. To view a list of orders please click Reports on the navigation bar and then Product Report.
The + sign at the beginning of each line allows you to expand and view product details at a glance including current stock level.
Again if preferred a report in Excel format can be generated from here.
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